For the Strength of Youth Conferences

Our stake is scheduled to attend FSY Conferences in the summer of 2024. All youth turning 14 in 2024 are invited to attend!

If you would like to attend…

Beginning October 5, 2023, bishoprics can begin approving youth to attend FSY. Once approved, youth may preregister for FSY at and select their preferred sessions from the options their stake is assigned to attend. Youth may also choose to link together with friends, cousins, siblings, etc. and select the same FSY session preferences.

There’s plenty of time to complete your pre-registration. Pre-registration will be open from Oct. 5, 2023–Jan. 4, 2024, after which session assignments will be determined and communicated.


January 8, 2024: Session assignments are announced to youth who have completed their pre-registration. FSY session assignments can be viewed on the Participant Dashboard 

January 8 – January 24, 2024: Registration must be finalized for youth who were given a session assignment. If registration is not finalized in this window, their reserved spot will be forfeited. 

January 25 – January 31, 2024: Youth that have pre-registered and didn’t receive an assigned session, or reject the session they were assigned, can register for one of their stake’s assigned sessions. Youth that have already finalized their registration may transfer to one of their stake’s assigned sessions.

February 1 – February 14, 2024: On-cycle youth who did not pre-register may register for one of their stake’s assigned sessions.February 15, 2024: On-cycle youth may register for any session in their country of residence.

February 22, 2024: Bishoprics can begin approving youth in off-cycle stakes.

March 7, 2024: Any approved youth may register for a session in their country of residence.

30 days before the session start date: Accommodation requests may no longer be made.

2 weeks prior to the session: Roommate requests may no longer be made.

For the full schedule of FSY registration dates and details, view the Registration Timeline page.

FSY Resources for Leaders and Bishoprics

Bishoprics may begin to approve youth from off-cycle stakes starting on Tuesday, April 25th. To approve youth, please click the link below:

Click below for more information for leaders in off-cycle stakes:

Click below for more information on financing for FSY Conferences: